Live Webinar Panel

How to Build a Winning Remote-First Culture
Hiring, people management, benefits, and technology recommendations

Join us for an insightful panel webinar hosted by SafetyWing, titled "How to Build a Winning Remote-First Culture: Hiring, people management, benefits, and technology recommendations".

Expert panelists

Rowena Headshot Desktop (3)
Izabella Headshot Desktop (1)
Jesse Headshot Desktop (1)
Laurel Headshot Desktop (1)
Rowena Headshot Mobile (1)
Izabella Headshot Mobile (2)
Jesse Headshot Mobile (1)
Laurel Headshot Mobile (2)

In today's rapidly evolving work landscape, building a thriving remote-first culture is no longer optional—it's essential. In this webinar, experts shared insights, strategies, and actionable recommendations on creating and sustaining a successful remote-first culture.

Whether you're an HR leader, a team manager, or an executive, this session will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to excel in a remote-first environment.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to build a winning remote-first culture.

During this webinar, we covered:

  • Hiring: Learn best practices for recruiting top talent in a remote-first world. Discover effective strategies for attracting and onboarding remote employees who will thrive in your organization.
  • People Management: Gain insights into managing remote teams effectively. Explore techniques for fostering communication, collaboration, and a strong sense of community among distributed team members.
  • Benefits: Understand the unique needs of remote employees and how to design benefits packages that meet their expectations. Find out how to keep your remote workforce engaged, satisfied, and productive.
  • Technology Recommendations: Get recommendations on the best tools and technologies to support a remote-first culture. Learn how to leverage technology to streamline workflows, enhance productivity, and maintain a cohesive team environment.

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